In chapter 4, Nick talks about the day him and Gatsby went to the city for lunch. While driving into the city, Gatsby tells Nick about his past. He says that he has toured the world and comes from a wealthy family from San Francisco.

Gatsby tells Nick that he was educated at Oxford University but seems to choke on his words while making that statement. This is when Nick starts to question Gatsby's story. Gatsby also speaks of collecting jewels in the capitals of Europe and hunting large game. In addition to that, he claims to have received many medals from World War I by various European countries.

As Gatsby begins to notice Nicks uncertainty, he pulls out a medal from Montenegro as well as a picture of him playing croquet at Oxford. After being shown the picture, Nick has some belief of Gatsby's story, but also sees the "oddness" in Gatsby.
1. " 'He's a bootlegger,' said the young ladies" (65).
Significance: The guests at Gatsby's party constantly gossip about him and start rumors. These people are simply using Gatsby and are not there for him.
2. " 'I don't want you to get the wrong idea of me from all these stories you hear" (69).
Significance: Gatsby doesn't want Nick to get the wrong impression of him because Nick is the only true friend Gatsby has.
3. "With an effort I managed to restrain my incredulous laughter" (70).
Significance: Nick is not buying Gatsby's story and believes it is all made up. He holds back on his laughter in fear that he may insult Gatsby.
People do not respect Gatsby and he is often misunderstood due to all of the gossip. At lunch, Nick does not begin to believe that Gatsby's wealth may not have been achieved truthfully. He seems to slur his words and stutter when he began to talk about attending Oxford. After Gatsby pulled out his medals and photos from his pocket, Nick began to reconsider Gatsby's story.
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