1.)" ' You know I love you,' she murmured"(123).
Significance: This quote is significant because Daisy is saying I love you to Gatsby , but you never hear of her saying it to Tom. Also the simple fact that she is having an affair shows her lack of care for other people.
2.) "She has told him she loved him, and Tom Buchanan saw. He was astounded"(125)
Significance: This quote is important because it shows Tom's selfishness. He is aloud to have an affair but he is shocked that Daisy would ever even think of doing the same.
3.) " ' Her voice is full or money,' he said suddenly"(127).
Significance: This shows that Gatsby knows all Daisy cares about it money.
4.) " ' Imagine marrying anybody in this heat!' cried Jordan dismally"(134)
Significance: The heat all throughout this chapter is representing how all of the characters feel very uncomfortable and awkward.
5.) " ' Even alone i can't say i never loved Tom,' she admitted in a pitiful voice. 'It wouldn't be true' "(140).
Significance: This is significant because all along Daisy led Gatsby to believe that he is the only person she has ever loved, and that she loved him even when he was poor. Finding out that she indeed did love Tom and didn't really love Gatsby until he had money breaks his heart.
In this chapter Fitzgerald highlights the decay of society as an underlying theme. During this part of the book all of the affairs are officially out in the open. Also Myrtle is murdered in this chapter showing that the characters have no sense of ethics or doing whats right. Gatsby and Tom get into a fight over who Daisy loves more. Daisy get the courage to leave Tom, but her courage soon disappears. Also during this chapter it is implied that Daisy never truly loved Gatsby until she realized he had money. Also, Daisy kills Myrtle with Gatsby's car. No one really shows any remorse or emotion for the fact the she is dead. Also, Daisy lets Gatsby take the blame for it. These examples show that all of the character, with the exception of Nick and Gatsby, don't care for anyone other than themselves.
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