Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Chapter 9

Explanation of Picture :
The picture above is of a casket, this picture was chosen because this chapter is all about Gatsby's funeral. There is no one around the casket because not many people went to Gatsby's funeral. When he was alive everyone acted as if they were his best friends and cared very deeply for him. Once he passes away all of his so called friends disappear and he is basically alone just like the lonely casket above. This is an example of how everyone is false and empty inside, just like the casket above is empty.


1.) "What i called up about was a pair of shoes I left there. I wonder if it'd be too much trouble to have the butler send them on"(177).

Significance: This shows that no one in this book really cares about each other. This person has no remorse for the fact that Gatsby was murdered ,all they care about is there shoes. People in this book don't show human emotions or characteristics they are just fake.

2.) " The minister glanced several times at his watch so I took him aside and asked him to wait for half and hour. But it wasn't any use. Nobody came."(182)

Significance: This quote is important because it shows that even though many people pretended to be friends with Gatsby he only really had a few true ones. It also shows that people are so selfish and inconsiderate that they don't even have the decency to show respect and come to his funeral.

3.) " I tried to think about Gatsby then for a moment but he was already too far away and I could only remember, without resentment, that Daisy hadn't sent a message or a flower"(183).

Significance: The quote above shows what a bad inconsiderate person Daisy is. Gatsby would have done anything for her, and she didn't even attend his funeral or send flowers.

4.) "After Gatsby's death the East was haunted for me like that, distorted beyond my eyes' power of correction"(185).

Significance: The east is portrayed as a corrupt place through the hole novel. This quote is important because it shows Nick finally realizing the east is not a very nice place to live.

5.) "She didn't answer. Angry, and half in love wit her, and tremendously sorry, I turned away"(186).

Significance: This quote is important because it shows that even though Nick cares for Jordan he cannot be with her because she is not a very good person. He cares more about his character and morals than being with her.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 describes the previous night when Myrtles murder occurred. Wilson was awake all night with Michaelis discussing what had happened. Myrtle and Wilson had a conversation not long before Myrtle died about her other lover and how she could not keep it a secret from Wilson any longer. At the scene of the murder, the eyes Dr. T.J. Eckleburg were watching over the Valley of Ashes and it occurred to Wilson that whoever was driving the car must have been Myrtles lover. Although the car that had hit Myrtle was known to be Toms, Wilson realizes that Tom could not have been the one to hit Myrtle because he arrived to the crime scene in a different car with Nick and Jordan. This is when Wilson begins to falsely accuse Gatsby of killing Myrtle. He eventually goes to Gatsby's house where he finds him laying in his pool. Just then, Wilson pulls out a gun and shoots Gatsby, killing him immediately, and then Wilson turned the gun on himself.

1. "Until long after midnight a changing crowd lapped up against the front of the garage while George Wilson rocked himself back and forth on the couch inside" (164).
Significance: It shows that Wilson was very torn inside about the death of his wife. It seems that he did not know how to cope with it and although she did not love him, he had a great amount of love for her.

2. "...then he blurted out that a couple of months ago his wife had come from the city with her face bruised and her nose swollen" (164).
Significance: Tom was known to be abusive to Myrtle, but Wilson was not aware that it was Tom who was her lover.

3. " 'I'm one of these trusting fellas and I don't think any harm to nobody, but when I get to know a thing I know it.' " (166).
Significance: Wilson thinks that he can be sure of himself and that he would never falsely accuse someone of an incident this serious even though he does.

4. "He believed that Mrs. Wilson had been running away from her husband, rather than trying to stop any particular car" (167).
Significance: It is believed that Myrtle was more in love with Money than Wilson. This is why she has an affair with Tom because he is wealthy unlike Wilson.

In this chapter, Fitzgerald shows an example of how the American Dream fails. Myrtle was always trying to chase the dream, but after her death it showed that it wasn't meant for her. She was too concentrated on chasing money rather than love. Myrtle believed that money would buy her happiness and in reality it really got her no where far. She did not achieve wealth, love, or even the slightest amount of joy in her life. Most characters in the novel lived this lifestyle. They put on an act to make believed by others that they were high spirited and living that dream that everyone strives for. On the inside, these people were miserable and empty just hoping for a way to push away their sadness.

Chapter 7

Explanation of picture : The picture to the left is of a crime scene where someone has been killed. This picture is significant because Myrtle is murdered in this chapter. Daisy is driving Gatsby's car on the way home from their day in New York City. She sees Myrtle is and hits her with the car because she is having an affair with Tom. However, Myrtles husband sees the car and thinks Gatsby was the one having the affair and killing Myrtle.


1.)" ' You know I love you,' she murmured"(123).

Significance: This quote is significant because Daisy is saying I love you to Gatsby , but you never hear of her saying it to Tom. Also the simple fact that she is having an affair shows her lack of care for other people.

2.) "She has told him she loved him, and Tom Buchanan saw. He was astounded"(125)

Significance: This quote is important because it shows Tom's selfishness. He is aloud to have an affair but he is shocked that Daisy would ever even think of doing the same.

3.) " ' Her voice is full or money,' he said suddenly"(127).

Significance: This shows that Gatsby knows all Daisy cares about it money.

4.) " ' Imagine marrying anybody in this heat!' cried Jordan dismally"(134)

Significance: The heat all throughout this chapter is representing how all of the characters feel very uncomfortable and awkward.

5.) " ' Even alone i can't say i never loved Tom,' she admitted in a pitiful voice. 'It wouldn't be true' "(140).

Significance: This is significant because all along Daisy led Gatsby to believe that he is the only person she has ever loved, and that she loved him even when he was poor. Finding out that she indeed did love Tom and didn't really love Gatsby until he had money breaks his heart.

In this chapter Fitzgerald highlights the decay of society as an underlying theme. During this part of the book all of the affairs are officially out in the open. Also Myrtle is murdered in this chapter showing that the characters have no sense of ethics or doing whats right. Gatsby and Tom get into a fight over who Daisy loves more. Daisy get the courage to leave Tom, but her courage soon disappears. Also during this chapter it is implied that Daisy never truly loved Gatsby until she realized he had money. Also, Daisy kills Myrtle with Gatsby's car. No one really shows any remorse or emotion for the fact the she is dead. Also, Daisy lets Gatsby take the blame for it. These examples show that all of the character, with the exception of Nick and Gatsby, don't care for anyone other than themselves.

Chapter 5

Check Spelling
Explanation: The picture on the left is of the rain. In this chapter before goes to Nick's house with Gatsby for tea it is raining out because he is sad and nervous. Then after Daisy leaves it begins to rain again because Gatsby is upset that shes leaving him. When Daisy is at his house however, the sun is shinning and it's very nice out. This is because Gatsby is happy that Daisy is with him, which is why there is a picture of a sun on the left. The weather all throughout this chapter seems to mirror Gatsby's emotions.


1.) "He hadn't once ceased looking at Daisy and I think he revalued everything in his house according to the measure of response it drew from her well-loved eyes"(97).

Significance: This shows that Gatsby doesn't care about anyone or anything except for Daisy. If something has no value to her it has no value to him anymore.

2.) " A damp streak of hair lay like a dash of blue paint across her cheek and her hand was wet with glistening drops as I took it to help her from the car"(90).

Significance: This is important because Daisy is our blue character , because it represents sadness. Her hair looking like a dash of blue paint is important because it is suppose to look like a tear across her cheek.

3.) " He took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them one by one before us, shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel which lost their folds as they fell and covered the table in many-colored disarray"(97).

Significance: This quote is significant because it shows that Gatsby has many colors. This represents the fact that there is much about Gatsby that no one really knows.

4.) " 'Look at that,' she whispered, and then after a moment: 'I'd like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around' "(99).

Significance: This quote is significant because it has the color pink in it. The color pink is used to represent love, which is growing between Daisy and Gatsby.

5.) "Then I went out of the room and down the marble steps into the rain, leaving them there together"(102).

Significance: This quote is important because Daisy and Gatsby are leaving each other so it is starting to rain. It is just another example of the weather following Gatsby's emotions.

Analysis of the Chapter:

Throughout this chapter Fitzgerald uses the weather to highlight Gatsby's emotions. For example, the day that Daisy is suppose to see Gatsby it is pouring rain. This is because Gatsby is really nervous to see Daisy. When Gastby begins to get embarrassed when Daisy is there it begins to pour rain outside once again. After Gastby and Daisy talk alone , she begins to cry, but not tears of sadness, he,however, is practically glowing. The rain then stops and there are " twinkle-bells of sunshine in the room"(94). Later the rain is falling again but there are a bunch of pink and golden fluffy clouds in the sky. It is very apparent that the weather is changing a lot and so are Gatsby's moods. At the end of the chapter when Daisy and Gatsby are parting ways Nick steps out on to the marble steps and into the rain. It is once again raining because Daisy is leaving Gatsby's side, which is the last thing he wants , so he is sad. Whenever Gatsby is sad it starts to rain and when he is happy the sun shines bright.

Chapter 6

This yacht represents wealth and prosperity. One day Gastby met Dan Cody, a wealthy yacht owner. Gatsby saw Dan out on his yacht and Gatsby rowed out to warn him about an approaching storm. At that moment, Dan took young Gatsby, who presented himself as Jay Gastby, on his yacht and named Gatsby his assistant. This is when Gatsby was introduced to wealth and lavishness and he fell in love with it. Dan was an intense drinker and one of Gastby's jobs was to look after Dan during his drunken splurges. These events illustrated to Gatsby the dark sides of drinking and it encouraged Gatsby not to do it himself. After Cody died, he left Gastby $25,000, but Cody's mistress did not let Gastby declare his legacy. This point started all of Gatsby's success.

1. "His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people" (104).
Significance: Gatsby has come a long way in his life unlike his parents when it comes to wealth and power. Also, this is why Gatsby's father is so proud of his son because he built his success on his own.

2. "I remember the portrait of him up in Gatsby's bedroom, a grey, florid man with a hard empty face" (106).
Significance: The color grey describes Dan Cody as a very firm but empty man. He had all of the wealth he wanted but still no happiness.

3. "It was indirectly due to Cody that Gatsby drank so little" (107).
Significance: Gatsby does not drink because as Dan Cody's assistant, he had to watch after Cody as he got drunk and it showed Gatsby the negatives of drinking.

4. "He was left with his singularly appropriate education; the vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantially of a man" (107).
Significance: This shows that just because Gatsby did not end up receiving the $25,000 Cody had left him, he still took in the knowledge that he remembered from Cody in order to become successful.

In chapter 6, Fitzgerald focuses on how Gatsby became so successful. Growing up, Gatsby was given very little by his parents and he lived in poverty. After meeting Dan Cody, Gatsby fell in love with money and success. From then on, he took in Cody's understanding of achievement and wanted to become victorious.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Chapter 3

Explanation of Pictures: The picture on the left is of a garden. I chose this picture because in this chapter Gatsby a party at his house. His house is beautiful and has amazing blue gardens. This picture of the right is of a car with a missing wheel. This represents Owl eye's car accident at the end of the chapter


1.) " ' it's more that he was a German spy during the war.' " (pg 48)

Significance: This shows that Gatsby is very mysterious and most people don't know anything about him. Everyone just uses him for his wealth.

2.) " ' Absolutely real- have pages and everything. I thought they'd be a nice durable cardboard. Matter of fact they're absolutely real. (pg 50)

Significance: This shows that Gatsby actually is intelligent and rich unlike most people. Most of these people pretend to be intelligent by putting fake libraries in their house just for show.

3.) " A man in a long duster had dismounted from the wreck and now stood in the middle of the road looking from the car to the tire and from the tire to the observers in a pleasant puzzled way". (pg 58)

4.) " I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known". (pg 64)

Significance: This shows that no one in this book is honest at all and everyone is just fake all the time.


One of the themes F. Scott Fitzgerald displays in this chapter is the use of colors to represent people. For example, they say Gatsby has blue gardens, the color blue through this novel represents sadness. Gatsby is sad because he is lonely even though he is surrounded by people. Gatsby has golden turkeys, gold represent wealth and power in this chapter. Jordan Baker's arm is referred to as being golden. This is a representation of her status. All throughout this chapter and the hole book color are used to represent people.

Chapter 1

Explaining the Pictures:
The picture to the left is a picture of New York City. The picture to the right is a picture of two fried eggs. These pictures are very significant to chapter one in The Great Gatsby because the story is just beginning so the setting is important. Nick, the main character happens to live on an Island referred to as West Egg because it is shaped like an egg. The island next to his, where Tom and Daisy live, is called East Egg for the same reason. These two islands are on the outskirts of New York City, which is why there is a picture of the city.
1.) " It's about the butler's nose. Do you want to hear about the butler's nose" (18)?
Significance: The people in the story are so rich and bored that they have nothing better to do than gossip about others.
2.) "I'm paralyzed with happiness" (13).
Significance: Daisy exaggerates all the time so people will pay more attention to her.
3.) "She might have the decency not to telephone him at dinner-time. Don't you think?' "
Significance: Daisy's husband Tom is having an affair, but she is not really upset about it. This shows peoples lack of care for anyone other than themselves.
4.) "Don't believe everything you hear, Nick"
Significance: This is significant because it shows that no one in the story can trust each other.
Analysis of the chapter:
Symbolism is an underlying theme in the first chapter of The Great Gatsby. For example, the setting of the story is the two Egg islands. This is because they are shaped like eggs, but also because the characters is the story share many of the same characteristics of eggs. Eggs have a hard shell and appear tough on the outside. However, on the inside they are soft and liquid. The characters in the book are also like that. Daisy for instance appears to be very well put together. She pretends as though her husband's affair doesn't bother her. On the inside however she is very depressed and lonely. She does a lot of things for attention and love to make up for what she does not receive from her husband.

Chapter 4

In chapter 4, Nick talks about the day him and Gatsby went to the city for lunch. While driving into the city, Gatsby tells Nick about his past. He says that he has toured the world and comes from a wealthy family from San Francisco.

Gatsby tells Nick that he was educated at Oxford University but seems to choke on his words while making that statement. This is when Nick starts to question Gatsby's story. Gatsby also speaks of collecting jewels in the capitals of Europe and hunting large game. In addition to that, he claims to have received many medals from World War I by various European countries.

As Gatsby begins to notice Nicks uncertainty, he pulls out a medal from Montenegro as well as a picture of him playing croquet at Oxford. After being shown the picture, Nick has some belief of Gatsby's story, but also sees the "oddness" in Gatsby.

1. " 'He's a bootlegger,' said the young ladies" (65).
Significance: The guests at Gatsby's party constantly gossip about him and start rumors. These people are simply using Gatsby and are not there for him.
2. " 'I don't want you to get the wrong idea of me from all these stories you hear" (69).
Significance: Gatsby doesn't want Nick to get the wrong impression of him because Nick is the only true friend Gatsby has.
3. "With an effort I managed to restrain my incredulous laughter" (70).
Significance: Nick is not buying Gatsby's story and believes it is all made up. He holds back on his laughter in fear that he may insult Gatsby.
People do not respect Gatsby and he is often misunderstood due to all of the gossip. At lunch, Nick does not begin to believe that Gatsby's wealth may not have been achieved truthfully. He seems to slur his words and stutter when he began to talk about attending Oxford. After Gatsby pulled out his medals and photos from his pocket, Nick began to reconsider Gatsby's story.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Chapter 2

These two images represent The Valley of Ashes. It is a dull gray valley where New York's ashes are dumped. The Valley is located between New York and the West egg. A certain pair of eyes always seem to be watching over the valley. These eyes happen to be Dr. T.J. Eckleburg's.

The Valley itself symbolizes the poverty and misery that lies next to the wealthy residents of the stunning West Egg. It is also believe that beneath enhancement of the West Egg lies the same repulsiveness as The Valley of Ashes.

Dr. Eckleburg's eyes stare down on the valley from their billboard. The author happens to conserve the mystery of the eyes in this chapter giving them no figurative importance. These eyes also signify the eyes of God watching over the fester of the 1920's.

1. "No he doesn't," Tom said coldly. "And if you feel that way about it maybe I'd better sell it somewhere else after all."
Significance: It shows that Tom is a very stern and harsh. Also, it shows that Tom doesn't have much of a heart when it comes to others.

2. "The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic" (27).
Significance: His eyes are always watching over the Valley of Ashes and they are compared to the eyes of God. Also, the color blue represents sadness and many people during this time were not happy.

3. "...he jumped to his feet and taking hold of my elbow literally forced me from the car" (28).
Significance: Tom is a very aggressive man and he has been known to physically pick someone up and move them.

4. " 'Wilson? He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He's so dumb he doesn't know he's alive" (30).
Significance: This shows that Wilson is unaware that Tom is her lover and that Myrtle goes to New York with him to drink at her sisters house.

In this chapter, Fitzgerald highlights the unhappiness of the novel. The Valley of Ashes is described as a gray area and the color gray represents the dullness and misery of the valley. Also, it signifies the perish of the valley buried by the beauty of the West and East Egg. In the valley, Tom and Myrtle have to keep their affair a secret, but in areas such as New York City, they can be public about it. This shows that the Valley can be a deceitful place and the people are very untrustworthy.